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Picture of Jason Smith

Jason Smith 

Group Operations Director

Durkan Construction


Career Planning

Executive Coaching

Corporate Mentoring

"During a challenging time of my career I was introduced to Matt Arnold of ‘The Coaching Guy’. I must say I immediately warmed to him and felt that he made a significant impact on me, and provided a far more positive outlook to my situation. His approach was professional, but most importantly personal. He was able to unlock potential opportunities on how I could approach my next steps and gave me a new sense of purpose in setting and achieving my goals.

At first I was slightly sceptical of using an external coach as I didn’t need the typical ‘black couch’ treatment, however what Matt offered was far more! His experience in this field shone through and the way he opened up my mind to bounce ideas was exceptional. All of this helped me through my challenges and ensured I knew my next steps and what path to take. Thanks Matt."

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